
  • The names of the 50 states should be spelled out when used in the body of a story, whether standing alone or in conjunction with a city, town, village or military base.

  • Lowercase in all state of constructions: the state of Maine, the states of Main and Vermont.

  • Four states – Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia – are legally commonwealths instead of states. The distinction is necessary only in formal uses: The commonwealth of Kentucky filed a lawsuit. For simple geographic reference: Tobacco is grown in the state of Kentucky.

  • Do not capitalize state when used simply as an adjective to specify a level of jurisdiction: state Rep. William Smith, the state Transportation Department, state funds. Apply the same principle to phrases such as the city of Lexington, the town of Auburn, etc.

  • Use the state abbreviations listed below with the name of a city, town, village or military base in most datelines and in lists, agate and tabular material.

  • When addressing letters, envelopes, abbreviate state per the U.S. Postal Service’s format. Postal code abbreviations are in parentheses.

Ala. (AL) Md. (MD) N.D. (ND)
Ariz. (AZ) Mass. (MA) Okla. (OK)
Ark. (AR) Mich. (MI) Ore. (OR)
Calif. (CA) Minn. (MN) Pa. (PA)
Colo. (CO) Miss. (MS) R.I. (RI)
Conn. (CT) Mo. (MO) S.C. (SC)
Del. (DE) Mont. (ME) S.D. (SD)
Fla. (FL) Neb. (NE) Tenn. (TN)
Ga. (GA) Nev. (NV) Vt. (VT)
Ill. (IL) N.H. (NH) Va. (VA)
Ind. (IN) N.J. (NJ) Wash. (WA)
Kan. (KS) N.M. (NM) W. Va. (WV)
Ky. (KY) N.Y. (NY) Wis. (WI)
La. (LA) N.C. (NC) Wyo. (WY)
  • Never abbreviate Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas and Utah.

  • No accompanying state name is required when referring to the following cities:

Atlanta Baltimore Boston Cleveland
Dallas Denver Detroit Honolulu
Houston Indianapolis Las Vegas Louisville
Los Angeles Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis
New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Philadelphia
Phoenix Pittsburgh St. Louis Salt Lake City
San Antonio San Diego San Francisco Seattle