
  • In general, spell out one through nine. Use figures for 10 or above and whenever preceding a unit of measure or referring to ages of people, animals, events or things.

I want five copies. I want 10 copies. The 7-year old house.

  • Spell out first through ninth; use figures for 10th and above.

He was my first true love. She was 11th in line.

  • When starting a sentence with a number, spell it out.

Forty people were invited to the meeting.

  • Generally spell out amounts less than one in stories using hyphens between the words.

A two-thirds majority is required for that policy to pass.

  • When writing someone’s age, always use figures.

Sidney Allen, 8, was awarded the prize.

  • Percent, percentage, percentage points

Use the % sign when paired with a numeral, with no space, in most cases: Average hourly pay rose from 3.1% from a year ago her mortgage rate is 4.75%; about 60% of Americans agree; he won 56.2% of the vote. Use figures: 1%, 4 percentage points.

In casual uses, use words rather than figures and numbers: She said he had a zero percent chance of winning.

  • Phone Number: Use parentheses around the area code and put a space between the area code and the rest of the phone number.

(859) 555-1212.
(859) 555-1212, ext. 402.