Times and dates

  • Use figures for time, except noon and midnight:

    9:30 a.m. – noon or midnight – 6 a.m.

  • Abbreviate time of day with lower case letters separated by periods:


  • Times on the hour should not use zeroes:

    9 – 10 a.m.

  • Time not on the hour should use a colon to separate hours from minutes:

    9:30 a.m.

  • Do not put a 12 in front of noon:

    Noon, not 12 noon.

  • Avoid the redundant:

    11 p.m. tonight.

  • When the day follows the month, express it in cardinal figures:

    On May 11.

  • When the day precedes the month or stands alone, express it in ordinal figures or ordinal numbers:

    I arrive on the fifth of May and leave on the twenty-first.

  • Abbreviate the month (except March, April, May, June and July) when it appears with the date, but not when it appears alone or with the year:

    I was born on Sept. 15, 1983. I was born in September 1983. I was born in September.